01. The Inspiration

From The Sunny Coast
Of Costa Blanca

LoveSeaGlass was conceived on a sunny coast of Costa Blanca, Spain. It’s an inspiring place, full of love, sunshine, colours, warmth and tolerance. Maybe this is what inspired us or maybe it was bound to happen anyway.

Vibrant Colours
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Whichever colours you love and enjoy - you will find them here. And more are coming!

Glass Pieces
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You deserve being able to create exactly what you need. We got you covered with thousands of pieces available.

Happy Customers​
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The website is new but we've been around for a while. We'll make you happy too with the best product and a world-class support.

02. Yesterday

Searching And Collecting
Nature's Gifts

Walking along the beach, searching for nature’s gifts and collecting them, was always something we enjoyed doing. And every once in a while we would come across something that nature created out of something that human threw away.
We were instantly hooked on those mysterious, colourful items that were somewhere half way between glass and rocks. Sea glass. How could we not be?

Scanning For Colours
Has Begun

Since then, beach combing was something we did regularly. But collecting shells and rocks wasn’t the main focus of this activity anymore. Our eyes were scanning for colours.
Soon we realised that genuine sea glass, however beautiful, has certain limitations. We wanted more diversity, more colours! Since braking hundreds of colourful bottles and throwing them into the sea didn’t seem like the best idea, we decided to look for alternatives…

03. Today

The Most Beautiful Cultured
Sea Glass on the Planet

LoveSeaGlass.com is the go to destination for the most beautiful cultured sea glass you can find on the Planet. You can take your pick from nearly 30 colours - each carefully selected and created with love and passion in Costa Blanca, Spain.

Genuine Glass Materials

Our tumbled sea glass is made from various recycled genuine glass materials: bottles, recycled glass, industrial glass waste and more. It comes in various shapes and sizes and some of the most beautiful colours you can imagine. No filters are applied to any images on LoveSeaGlass.com but if you REALLY want to appreciate the light bouncing off the vibrant, vivid pieces of LSG cultured glass - you will just need to see them yourself. Prepare to be dazzled!

Custom Colours Sea Glass in a Glass Vial
04. The Future

We Care

We love this amazing planet and we believe that what happens to it is our shared responsibility. Global warming is something us, humans, are responsible for and it is also up to us to stop it. The LSG Team always chooses responsible/ecological alternatives to plastic whenever possible. We really can live without plastic straws or non-recyclable bags!

Our products are made out of recycled glass, industrial glass waste and other glass waste products. We only use renewable, ecological and/or biodegradable packing materials: glass, paper and 100% oxygen-biodegradable plastic.

05. Our Team

We Are A Family